Would you like to learn more about Aboriginal culture?

Willum Warrain offers tours of our Gathering Place for Pre-School, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary groups, community organisations, agencies and businesses.

Visit the home of the local Aboriginal community on the Mornington Peninsula for an authentic cultural experience.

Programs could include a welcoming ceremony and yarning/discussion in the Ngargee area; story-telling; dance; learning about our Koorie Bush tucker trail, traditional huts, material culture (possum skin cloaks, coolamons, woomeras and spears, etc.); cultural awareness including the impacts of colonisation, Stolen Generation, Treaty, First Nations’ cultural diversity, reconciliation, etc.

Tours include a 1.5 hour tour tailored to the age group @ $450 incl GST.* for groups of up to 25. Multiple groups can run in parallel, year level groups from schools welcome.

Tours can be designed to your needs.

*All money raised from tours goes towards funding our Aboriginal programs and supporting self-determination.

“Willum Warrain was the perfect excursion to link in with our Inquiry unit. Staff were friendly and kept the students engaged in a range of activities. The activities helped students to further their knowledge about Aboriginal culture and history. The excursion exceeded our expectation and we are looking forward to returning next year!”

Osborne Primary School

“Our management’s visit to your gathering place in October was transformative. So many of our team had very little understanding or engagement with Indigenous people until that day – and for them to hear about the importance of preserving and supporting culture and learn about the stolen generation was very powerful”

St. John of God – Frankston Rehabilitation Hospital


Please choose the date of your tour from available days on the calendar below, pick a morning or midday tour preferred start time and fill in your contact details.

Please call Willum Warrain on 0403 528 034 for further enquires.

No payment required at this point – we will send a confirmation and invoice in follow up email after the form has been submitted.

Calendar is loading...
Booked (If white dot appears above date then either a morning or midday tour still available)
Pending (If white dot appears above date then either a morning or midday tour still available)
Partially booked

Please select your preferred Tour time from below*:

Name of organisation*:

Contact person : First Name*:

Contact person : Last name*:



Number of Attendees*:

Is this a repeat visit for this group?*:

Tour Extras:
LunchMorning/Afternoon TeaBush Nursery Plant

Special requests, age and year level (if applicable):